LaGrange Healthy Families
Below is information about our organization, and other family resources: Contact Healthy Families at (260) 463-2363
Community resources:
Childcare Finder
Department of Family Resources
Department of Workforce Development
Early Childhood Alliance
Early Childhood Meeting Place
First Steps
HIP: Healthy Indiana Plan (Insurance)
Hoosier Healthwise
LaGrange County Website
Legal assistance services
Northeastern Center
Smoke Free Indiana
Smoke Free Resaurant Guide by county
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Women, Infant, Children (WIC)
Women's Law: Legal info
Blue Ribbon Campaign
LaGrange Healthy Families is associated with:
Prevent Child Abuse America
Healthy Families America
Fun Links and Parenting Advice
Cafemom-online support/chat group for moms
Enchanted Learning-activities for older kids
Helping your child become a reader
Parents Magazine
Design your own pregnancy calendar
Disney Parenting Site
Preschool Express
Starfall-learn to read
Track Santa with NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado
Send a letter to Santa, stories and activities
Let us know if there are any web sites that you enjoy and we'll consider including them on this page!
Supporting Parents... Preparing for the Future